Sunday, December 30, 2012

All of these "solutions" are crap. Unmitigated crap.

There has been a ton of comments, posts, columns and pontifications on guns and gun control over the last couple of weeks.  The screams from up on high have be especially deafening since the horrible event at Sandy Hook elementary school in Newtown, CT,  I want to state categorically that this event, along with others like this (whether in more or less severity) is horrific and very saddening.  The cruelty enacted upon these children is beyond repulsive.  I am especially happy that young Adam Lanza is dead.

The question most asked is how can this be prevented in the future.  There are several schools of thought in answering this question.  One, more gun control for all U.S. citizens in obtaining weapons, ammunition and ammunition accessories (high capacity magazines).  Another is more security, with guns, in schools.  A third is more scrutiny in mental health screenings for everyone to spot potential violent, gun using individuals.

No offense to anyone but all of these "solutions" are crap.   Unmitigated crap.

I am asked why I oppose gun control.  I respond with "Why do you hold your own life, or the lives of your loved ones in such contempt?" I get blank stares.  Seriously, no one can answer this question.  Then I ask, why did the victims not have their own gun?  This question restores my opponents vigor and they begin to bombard me with the typical rants of 1) how dangerous guns are, 2) how unstable people are when provoked and if they had a gun total anarchy would result, 3) gun free zones mean no guns, evah!!!, bla bla bla.

Now, guns are dangerous.  No doubt about it.  That is why they are the greatest equalizer in history.  More on this in a minute.

Just because you have a gun does not mean you will turn into a killer when provoked.  In fact, and here is a little secret, having a gun will in fact make you less prone to violence.  Let me explain quickly.  If you have a gun, does the other person(s) you are arguing with have one too?  Are you willing to die today because of an argument?  Nope, and neither is the other person.  Think if it like this: In the animal kingdom we have predators and prey.  The prey usually vastly outnumbers the predators.  When the predators hunt, they lay in wait, ambush, stalk and chase their prey.  Now, which prey is being targeted?  Is it the strong, the fast, the most aware?  Nope, nada, wrong answer.  It is the weak, the slow, the old, the less powerful.  Why?  well, there are number of reasons.  The weak, slow, and old are an easier target.  Also the risk to injury to the predator is reduced.  See, predators are not stupid.  They don't want to get hurt.  This si true with humans as well.  That is why guns are called the greatest equalizer in history.  A 120 pound, 5'1" woman with a gun in her hand is on equal footing with a 220 pound 6'4" man.  Without the gun the woman cannot defend herself.  She is prey.  With the gun she is no longer prey.

Gun free zones.  Man, what a crock!  Better to say, hunting preserve to any homicidal scum looking to make a name for themselves.   I get the "but it is against the law to go into a gun free zone with a gun".  True, but who cares.  The homicidal scum doesn't.  And how are such zones announced?  With signs.  Let me ask another question.  Do you speed?  Yes, yes you do.  But there are signs and it is illegal.  So what.  We all do it.  I drive every day and see this law broken every time I drive.  Every time!  Also, cars kill a far higher number of people than guns.  For 2011, it is reported that there were 32,310 motor vehicle deaths in the U.S.  Now, was speeding involved in each of these deaths?  No but so what. The argument is that guns kill.  The argument does not allow for situational circumstances so I will not differentiate either.  This leads us back to the one obvious fact:  Signs mean nothing and do not work to protect us from criminals.

I have one statement that often makes people of the gun grabbing variety really look at me with hate:  Failure to protect yourself or your family (which you are obligated to protect) is your failure as a human being.  Then I ask why they hold their live and the lives of their loved ones in such contempt?

I then ask these questions: Where was the victim's gun?  Why did they not have it with them?  Why do they hold their own lives in such contempt to not warrant self protection?  I get...crickets.

I will protect me and mine.  I expect you to do the same.

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