Sunday, November 4, 2012

Axelrod BS on #benghazi

Axelrod is so full of crap.  Or, Penetta and the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs; Gen Dempsey disobeyed orders from the Commander in Chief.  Which is it?  either way Obama is at fault.  I guess it is hard to run a rescue op form Vegas.

Now here is Obama stating His response:
 “The president convened the top military officials that evening and told them to do whatever was necessary and they took the steps that they thought, they took every step they could take.”
Really?  Then where is the order?  Where is it?  we do not need an investigation to find that order.  Unless he needs to fabricate it later.

This article's conclusion is:
But based on what we do know, it seems the president depended that evening on occasional updates from his own national security staffers--and it seems the president did not “convene the top military officials that evening” during the seven-hour crisis

Axelrod Claims Obama 'Convened the Top Military Officials that Evening' | The Weekly Standard:

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