Sunday, November 11, 2012

Let it BURN

I love America.  I love its philosophy.  I love the founding principles.  I love the fact that this is the place that anyone can succeed.  A place the if you know how to do it you could succeed.  Now... it is who you know.

Conservatives have been screaming from any and every perch available about the sorry direction that our country is heading.  And it has been falling on deaf ears.  The majority of folks just won't listen.  Or better yet, they are easily bought off.  Our latest election was the proof of this (not accounting for the massive voter fraud).  Everyone just wants their free shit.  Someone else should pay for it cause...well shut up that's why.  So I guess it is time for them to really experience what getting everything for free really costs.

Right after the election the stock market goes tits up.  Layoffs abound. And the usual response from the greedy moochers is to announce a boycot.  Who will be left?  As Margret Thatcher once famously said, Sooner or later you run out of other people's money.

As any parent can attest to, kids won't always listen to you.  They are convinced that hey know more than you. So they do not heed your warnings and do exactly what you tell them not to do.  Thus learning a valuable lesson the hard way.  We are at that time and place in America.  I propose that we let these petulant brats learn the lesson the hard way.  Conservative folks will survive.  We still believe in being self sufficient.  In doing a hard day's work for a fair price.  We will just need to wrap our heads around the fact the the fair price scale has shifted.

I have no intention in allowing the moochers to take what my hard work earned.  And I suspect that many others share in this belief.  I predict three things will happen over the next four years:

1. Black markets will spring up:  These will be markets for goods and services that will keep the federal government out of their pockets.  New "currency" will be used.  Oh the (once) mighty dollar will be the official currency still but trading will be at a all time high. 
2. There will be a flock of people migrating to "flyover country"  If you look at the latest election map, the blue, "give me my free shit" folks are mainly congregated along the coasts. Hard working, self sufficient folks are basically living in the middle of the country.  The population growth in the "flyover" areas will increase.  Here is where my prediction will get interesting.  Free-loaders will not be welcome.  They will be ostracized and driven out.  There will be no room for them in the re-making of America. 
3. The government will go broke.  They will need to "re-coup" lost revenue from the lost productivity of the working masses.  The Government will try to increase regulation and taxes among the working class, without much success.

And this leads me to the only conclusion I can draw.  And it is scary (at least to me).  Civil war and the inevitable breakup of the Union.  A Russian professor, Igor Panarin wrote a paper some time ago predicting the U.S. would collapse and break apart. Here is the map he predicts the former United States will look like:

Now, I don't know if this will be the final outcome or not.  I pray that it isn't.  I sincerely pray that we can come back from this disaster before it is too late.  But MAJOR changes need to happen.

For starters, the 16th and especially the 17th amendments need to be repealed.  The Senate needs to represent the states, not the electorate. With these two amendments in place, the state's rights are null and void.  Also the Senate needs to be able to hold the Executive branch accountable   With the way things are now, the Senate answers to the party, not to the state it is supposed to represent.  This is why the Senate was given its powers, so that the States would have an equal say and keep the federal government from amassing too much power.  With the 17th Amendment in place, the Senate answers to the party, not their state.  The end result is that the States are subject to the federal government, not the other way around.  This power shift is precisely why we sought independence in the first place.  And is it also why it took so long to ratify the Constitution.

The Congress needs to actually act. Impeachment needs to happen. And often.  Regardless who is power in the Executive branch at the moment they need to fear Congress.  Also Congress will need to actually impeach the Judiciary.  Doing this just once will effectively remove the absolute power the Judiciary feels it has.  The Obamacare decision is just grounds for judiciary impeachment.  By doing this just once they will fear a radical decision more and actually not reach outside of their jurisdiction so much.

Do you see any of this happening?  I didn't think so. Free men and women will not go silently into the darkness of oppression.  I just pray that the fight that is surely coming will be non-violent but I fear that we have pasted that point.  I still hold out hope that the war we are in will remain a war of ideas.  Because if it breaks down into a war of action about ideas, anything can happen.

One thing to keep in mind though, if action is the end result, we will never get back what we once had.  That time would have passed.  Once violence happens (on a large scale) the idea of the United States of America will be lost to history forever.  The end result will might be something similar but it will never be the same.

I hope I am wrong.  I really do.


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